Categories: Horror Movie News

Exclusive: AITH’s own JimmyO Takes Part in The Divine Tragedies

Making an independent film is pretty tough. Not only is finding the budget, the right actors, the right script and the right director extremely difficult, but finding a way for people to actually see it is a huge challenge. This is why I have to credit the filmmaking twins Jon and James Kondelik (Dual Visions) who have been diving head first into movie making. Not only did I get a first hand look at the two on the set of their Asylum feature AIRPLANE VS. VOLCANO, I’ve also seen them grow as filmmakers. This includes their upcoming feature BEHIND THE WALLS, which looks to put a cool new twist on the haunted house genre – for more information check out the Twitter and Facebook page.

After doing years of set visits, it is always fun to expand the visit into something truly special. And stepping onto the set for a few pick-up shots for THE DIVINE TRAGEDIES was definitely a unique experience. Rarely do you have the opportunity to walk onto a film set and get hit by a car, shot in the kneecap, shoulder and face, as well as get stabbed in the neck. Of course, through the magic of moviemaking, I had the chance to do all of that. Even with the special make-up effects and all fake blood, getting to play in this sandbox is one of the best on-set experiences I’ve been lucky enough to have.

Once I arrived at Pollution Studios in Los Angeles, I had a quick rundown of what we would be filming. I also had the chance to chat with one of the other actors involved that day. In a role I would describe as what you could call an “Angel of Death,” Amanda Curtis was also there to get drenched in blood, and a little naked. Ms. Curtis was just lovely, and my cameraman Daniel Martinez and I were on our best behavior.

One of the things I enjoyed the most was to work opposite Mr. Jon Kondelik who has directed me before, but this was my first time acting alongside the man. His character may be vicious, but he is one of the easiest fellows – along with his brother James – to work with. With a limited amount of time to shoot, and a fairly complex sequence, somehow we were able to make it work. After shooting something this detailed, yet not being able to complete all the necessary shots, I walked away wondering how it would work in the context of the completed film. And happily, most of it made it in to the finished film. Hell, I’m even in the trailer which you can check out below.

THE DIVINE TRAGEDIES is currently on the festival circuit. This trippy thriller is writen and directed by the very talented Jose Prendes and stars Graham Denman, Jon Kondelik, Hannah Levien as well as genre greats Ken Foree and Barbara Crampton. And this strange and compelling feature about murder minded siblings is a perfect fit for late October. If you happen to be in the Los Angeles area this upcoming Halloween weekend, you can get a glimpse into the mayhem when TRAGEDIES screens at the RIP Horror Film Festival on October 30th at 6:00 PM at the Los Feliz Theatre.

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