Categories: Movie News

Exclusive 1:1 Interview: Trent Reznor talks the Gone Girl soundtrack!

Meeting Trent Reznor was something I never thought I'd do. As a teenager, I worshipped at the alter of Nine Inch Nails, saw him in concert twice; not to get too cheesy about it, but those first few NIN albums provided the soundtrack for many years of my life. I was always more of a movie guy than a music guy – unless I was listening to Nine Inch Nails.

So how f*cking awesome to actually find occasion to meet Mr. Reznor, who as you know is in the midst of a very fruitful collaboration with David Fincher. Reznor has done the score for Fincher's last three film, and even won an Oscar for THE SOCIAL NETWORK. His work on GONE GIRL is his best for Fincher yet, in my opinion; haunting, creepy, transfixing – and wildly unconventional.

I spoke to Reznor about his process with Fincher, finding inspiration and what he does when he's in a creative bind.

Published by
Eric Walkuski