Categories: Movie News

Dwayne Johnson perfectly responds to Twitter user’s Jumanji complaint

The new JUMANJI movie is a bona fide smash having earned almost $800 million worldwide, and it’s a movie Dwayne Johnson is probably quite proud of. So, if you’re a viewer who demands Johnson respond to your nitpicking observation, you better be prepared to get the People’s Clapback, because Johnson will put you down for the three-count.

Twitter user James McMahon recently took to Twitter to address a gripe he had with the movie’s video game logic, including the words “FUCK THE NEW JUMANJI” (only to say the movie was "quite good"). Johnson promptly responded to shed light on his complaint, only to deliver the most epic Rock Bottom ever…in Twitter terms, that is.

McMahon’s tweet refers to the aspect of the movie where each of the avatar characters in the movie (one played by Johnson) have three lives. Upon losing one, they respawn back to where they just were. Regardless of what you think about the logic of this in a movie where teens get sucked into a video game, the moral of the story is don’t come at Johnson with your gripes. He’s a busy man but has no qualms about coming at you from the top rope. Get enough of these wrestling bits?

JUMANJI: WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE is currently destroying the box office at a theater near you. 

Published by
Matt Rooney