Categories: Horror Movie News

Drive’s Nicolas Winding Refn gets into mass-murder with Button Man: Killing Game

Looks like Nic Winding Refn is one morbid mofo…

After unleashing intense violence in DRIVE, the Danish director has already reunited with star Ryan Gosling for another brutal picture called ONLY GOD FORGIVES. But that ain’t the end of it. You see, Deadline has it that Refn is set to explore mass-murder territory with DreamWorks adaptation of the graphic novel BUTTON MAN: THE KILLING GAME. Check it…

Written and created by John Wagner and Arthur Ranson:

The action revolves around Harry Exton, a hired gun who’s offered a fortune to take part in a game organized by bored millionaires that sets trained killers against one another in a fight to the death. The fat cats bet on the proceedings, and when Exton gets disgusted and opts out, his only exit strategy might be to off the millionaires funding the competition.

Seems like a rad setup alone, but when you consider Wagner created JUDGE DREDD and STRONTIUM DOG, the excitement should double. Again, Refn, even dating back to his pre-DRIVE work, has always reveled in extreme violence. BUTTON MAN seems a perfect evolutionary project for his own fetishistic sensibility. Hell, even unfamiliar with the graphic novel, I’m pretty damn stoked to see what Refn comes up with.

What says you?

DRIVE’s Carey Mulligan

Published by
Jake Dee