Director Justin Lin hits the brakes on directing Fast and Furious 7

Last Updated on August 5, 2021

After four consecutive films in THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS franchise, director Justin Lin is pumping the brakes on directing the seventh film, which Universal originally intended to be shot back-to-back with this summer’s FAST AND FURIOUS 6. The studio wanted the seventh entry in the series to be ready by next year, but apparently that was too soon for Lin, who has worked on the franchise exclusively since 2006’s FAST AND FURIOUS: TOKYO DRIFT.

Heat Vision states that Lin was feeling the pressure of jumping back behind the wheel again so soon, while still working on the sixth film:

Lin would have had to begin prepping for the movie while still working in post-production on Fast 6. The filmmaker is said to have felt the rush would not result in his best work.

In addition, sources state that Lin was feeling “franchise exhaustion,” which is completely understandable. Lin has grown tremendously since his 2002 debut BETTER LUCK TOMORROW and seems poised to take on some new material.  As an action director, Lin has really come into his own, with FAST FIVE being the best straight action film of 2011 and this summer’s FAST AND FURIOUS 6 looking to be a serious contender for that mantle. 

Lin has not set up a new project yet, but I expect he’ll find something rather quickly as he wraps up post on FAST AND FURIOUS 6. Personally, I’m happy to see him move on, taking his considerable skill to new projects. He’s earned it. Universal is said to be on the hunt for a new director to take the reins, with an announcement to come as soon as next week.

FAST AND FURIOUS 6 hits theaters on May 24, 2013.

Source: Heat Vision

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