Categories: Movie News

Did James Cameron fix an old mistake on the Aliens Blu-Ray? Find out here!

This time on Top 5 Movie Mistakes we look at the 1986 classic ALIENS from visionary director James Cameron (THE TERMINATOR, TITANIC), that followed up Ridley Scott's 1979 masterpiece ALIEN. Now revered as one of the finest sequels of all time, ALIENS is a fan favorite and a much beloved 80s blockbuster. Personally, it's one of my favorite films of all time and was in fact, the first movie I ever saw. True story. So I have a huge attachment to this film, and finding some the movie mistakes in this one was a blast. It's all in good fun after all, and it's not like I didn't enjoy poring through one of my favorite films scene by scene to spot them… it was the only way to be sure.

From disappearing dents to lifeless doll hands, a crew member's foot poking into shot and a legendary movie mistake that… might not have actually happened in the first place? Either my memory of seeing this particular mistake as a kid is false, or Mr. Cameron has done some digital trickery to cover up something in the years of high definition scrutiny… all this and more in the Top 5 Movie Mistakes episode for ALIENS!

Published by
Luke Ryan