Categories: Horror Movie News

Dick Maas turns a killer lion loose on Amsterdam in Prey

The international distribution prospects of the Dutch killer lion movie PREY (or PROOI) aren't clear yet, but the film is set to open in the Netherlands next week, on October 13th. Its release warrants a mention not only because the movie looks like a fun time, but also because it happens to have been written and directed by Dick Maas, the filmmaker behind such genre offerings as THE LIFT and its remake THE SHAFT, AMSTERDAMNED, and SAINT.

Starring Sophie van Winden, Julian Looman, Mark Frost, Victor Löw, and Pieter Derks, PREY has the following synopsis: 

When the police discover the bodies of a slaughtered family living on a farm just outside of Amsterdam, they are clueless as to what happened. Lizzy, an attractive veterinarian working in the Amsterdam Zoo, confirms their suspicions; there must be a lion on the loose! And judging by the wounds of the mutilated victims, the lion must be big, strong and vicious!

That's enough to catch my attention, and the film further captures my interest with the style and humor on display in its teaser (which has English subtitles) and full trailer (which does not). Here's hoping that PREY will soon secure distribution in territories outside of the Netherlands, because I really want to see it.

Published by
Cody Hamman