Categories: Horror Movie News

Demons aren’t the only thing to fear in this JeruZalem clip

In anticipation of next week's digital release of the found footage flick JERUZALEM, we've gotten a demonic new clip to share. In this short scene, the evil entities that are haunting the ancient city aren't the only thing tormenting our heroines. While she's hiding from an otherworldly menace, our camerawoman accidentally finds herself in a situation that might make her wish she had stuck with the winged monster. Check it out below!


Two American girls on vacation follow a mysterious and handsome anthropology student on a trip to Jerusalem. The party is cut short when the trio are caught in the middle of a biblical apocalypse. Trapped between the ancient walls of the holy city, the three travelers must survive long enough to find a way out as the fury of hell is unleashed upon them.

JERUZALEM, stars Yael Grobglas, Yon Tumarkin, Tom Graziani, and Danielle Jadelyn.

Published by
Brennan Klein