Categories: Horror Movie News

Damon Lindelof confesses he will not write Prometheus 2

Well, given that the third act of the screenplay fell down harder than Pacquiao in the sixth…no wonder he’s not getting back up.

Collider has confirmed that “Lost” writer (apt?) Damon Lindelof (seen above) will not be working on the PROMETHEUS 2 script. Of course, a busy schedule is the supposed reason for the departure.

Here’s what Lindelof told Collider:

“Ridley and I talked at great length during the story process of the first movie about what subsequent movies could be…and we had a meeting after Prometheus came out where we started talking again about where this journey would go. But there was a reaction to the movie, and I got really wrapped up in Trek, and another movie I’m writing and producing with Brad Bird [1952], and a TV project… [So] in that meeting I communicated to him that I was working on other things. It was sort of like having a date where you’re letting the other person know you’re in another relationship!”

Lindelof will go on to intimate the script issues in PROMETHEUS were the exact reason he was brought in to retool John Spaihts’ script. At the end of the day though, the third act problems were not solved, and a promising first half of the picture ended up going nowhere fast.

But what if Lindelof had the time to write from page one?

“Building a sequel to it – from the ground up this time – with Ridley is tremendously exciting…but at the same time I was like, well this is probably going to be two years. I can’t do what JJ [Abrams] does. I can only be working on one thing at a time. So I told Ridley, and he was like, ‘Well OK. It’s not like I asked you anyways!’ So much to the delight of all fanboys, I don’t see myself being involved with Prometheus-er.”

So there you have it, from the horse’s mouth. Lindelof will not be a part of PROMETHEUS 2. Let me just go ahead and nominate Dan O’Bannon. The OG!

Published by
Jake Dee