Categories: Movie News

Crocs vs. Sharks

There are some ideas that I came up with when I was 5 years old that I never thought would become movies, simply because they are so simple and downright silly that no self-respecting adult would sink millions of millions of dollars into producing it. But today, July 30, in the savage year of our despair 2007, a movie that is being dubbed as UNTITLED CROC VS. SHARK movie will be made by New Line Cinema…the same guys who brought us SNAKES ON A PLANE (A movie that I came up with, but not when I was a kid…when I was having a vicious hallucination after I had taken an obscene amount of Ibogaine and mint flavored Tic Tacs).

And how do you get sharks and crocs in the same water you ask? Well a natural disaster occurs and floods a whole town, thus creating the opportunity for the town to be inhibited by sharks and crocs. Yep, that’s the premise of the movie folks.

And now another edition of Blonde vs. Brunette!…

Published by
Omar Hussain