Categories: Movie News

Cover Art, Release Date and Trailer for serial killer flick 13teen

I’ve expressed my love for slasher flicks countless times here on AITH while bringing you all the latest news on the slasher flicks of today. You see I always secretly hope for a cheesy slasher film like the countless titles from the mid-late 90s. You know which ones I’m talking about. The ‘same old thing but not really’ kind of thing. Well today I’m here to tell you about another film that may be a pretty decent slasher.

The film, originally titled FOR SALE BY OWNER, is called 13TEEN and was actually made way back in 2005, but is only know scoring a DVD release! Well damn that took a while… Can’t be a good sign. The psychological thriller comes from North American Motion Pictures and writer/director Pritesh Chheda. It stars John Lansch, Amanda Brown, Trent Batey and Marc Hustvedt. Here’s the synopsis:

Emeryville: population 73,250, including one feared serial killer on the loose who carves the number 13 into his victims’ chests.

Sara is home alone on a stormy night when there is a knock at the door. Andrew, a real estate consultant, has stopped by regarding the sale of her house. Problem is, the house isn’t for sale. Against her better judgment, she grants Andrew shelter from the rain.

But tension builds as Andrew, talking about his impending custody battle for his daughter, becomes more and more agitated. Sara finds herself in possible peril, until there is another knock at the door. John, a scripture-quoting home security technician, has stopped by to fix a fuse. But he may not be all he seems when a knife is found in his bag.

Cautious cat-and-mouse play ensues as the trio tries to determine just who the true threat is, while a surprise twist leaves you wondering just who it is that really needs to be saved …

Well it doesn’t ooze originallity but do they ever? Above you’ll find the new cover art for 13TEEN while below you can scope out an international trailer for the film back when it was called FOR SALE BY OWNER. The video can also be found in our videos section. “SEVEN meets PARANORMAL ACTIVITY?” Really? Come on now… .. Screw it I’ll give it a shot! 13TEEN hits DVD shelves on February 16th!

Published by
Jared Pacheco