Categories: Movie Trailers

Cool Videos: Watch Harry Potter grow up in this Boyhood parody trailer

Earlier this month we showed you APEHOOD, a mash-up trailer for Richard Linklater's BOYHOOD and DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES created by Nelson Carvajal. After the parody trailer was released, film writer David Ehrlich tweeted it "would have been much more effective with Harry Potter," which makes sense since both were filmed over a long period of time with most of the same cast.

Well, Slate thought it was a great idea, and decided to edit together a parody trailer of Richard Linklater's critically acclaimed film (based on 157 reviews it's sitting at 99% at Rotten Tomatoes) with scenes from the Harry Potter flicks called POTTERHOOD. Below you will be able to see Daniel Radcliffe's Harry Potter and his friends grow up and become adults, just like Ellar Coltrane in BOYHOOD. Ok, so not exactly like BOYHOOD, but you get my point.

Published by
Jesse Giroux