Today, Nerdist debuted the new trailer for DC’s next animated feature, SUPERMAN UNBOUND, which is based on the 2008 run by Geoff Johns and artist Gary Frank. Featuring the voice talents of Matt Bomer (as Supes), John Noble (Brainiac), Stana Katic, and Molly Quinn (Lois/Kara), the animated feature looks to be another solid adaptation from the now-dead DC premiere animators and will likely feature more action than all of the SUPERMAN films combined thus far. It’s kind of sad that the animated films are the only venue we’ve seen Superman really kick some ass.
Fingers crossed that this summer’s MAN OF STEEL will change all that. Until then, check out your favorite Kryptonian doing all things super in this trailer.
Here’s the synopsis:
Superman Unbound, based on Geoff Johns’ 2008 Action Comics story arc, finds the Man of Steel squaring off against the planet-destroying alien machine, Brainiac, while balancing his responsibilities to Lois Lane and cousin Kara (Supergirl). The voice cast includes White Collar’s Matt Bomer as Superman, Fringe’s John Noble as Brainiac and Castle’s Stana Katic and Molly Quinn as Lois and Kara, respectively.
SUPERMAN UNBOUND will premiere at Wondercon this Spring and roll out on Blu-ray/DVD shortly thereafter.