Categories: JoBlo Originals

Cool Videos: This brilliant ad spoofs The Exorcist in a unique and funny way

Movies about demonic possession have been around for decades, but none hit a nerve quite as well as William Friedkin‘s THE EXORCIST. Not exactly a movie that plays well with general audiences due to the sheer horror on display, almost everyone will instantly recognize the trademark visuals from the movie. Whether it be the staircase, the bedroom, or Max Von Sydow bathed in light as he stands outside the Georgetown home of poor little Linda Blair.

We also recognize the Dirt Devil brand of vacuum cleaners. For whatever reason, it has taken this long for some marketing brains to link the cleaning accessory brand with THE EXORCIST, but here is the fruits of that brainstorm. Featuring a priest, a possessed girl, and some atmospheric cinematography, this German commercial is a brilliant ode to the classic film. Plus, the ending twist is perfect.

Check out the ad below and I defy you not to smile. At the very least, it will make you want to watch THE EXORCIST again.

Published by
Alex Maidy