Categories: Movie News

Cool Videos: Stop Motion car chase! That’s all you need to know!

If you grew up playing with toy cars, be it Hot Wheels, Matchbox, or the generic brand from the grocery store check out line, no doubt you had something like the below video playing in your mind as you raced, crashed, and peeled-out in your imaginary “car world.”  As an avid fan of stop-motion and as a kid who grew up playing with toy cars, this video entitled NITRO WARRIORS serves as both clever animation and a trip down memory lane.  A very fast, and dangerous trip, that is.


According to the filmmakers, “this stop motion action film using toy cars took 6 months to shoot for just under 3 minutes of film! It was filmed using bespoke rigging systems and an iPhone with an application called Stop Motion HD.”  Now, that’s impressive. 

If you have a cool movie-related video online that you think other readers would appreciate, please email us the link/info at

Published by
Paul Shirey