Categories: Movie News

Cool Videos: Faux commercial for Beer of Thrones shows some insane side effects

Fans of HBO’s Game of Thrones will likely get a good laugh out of this one, which takes alcohol and role playing to whole other level. What looks like a typical game watching party turns into a trip to Westeros where those that consume the “Beer of Thrones” take to the common activities of their favorite characters. Of course, common activities in Westeros involve eating hearts, forceful spanking, crossbows, incest, beheadings, etc. Y’know, business as usual.

Don’t. Drink. The. Beer.:

Strange enough, there is actually a real beer made for Game of Thrones, which you can purchase if you’re of age. Take a look here. Although, if the beer has the same effect as in the video, then I’d caution against it. At least check local laws before you do.

Published by
Paul Shirey