Categories: Movie News

Cool Videos Exclusive: Final Cut 2013: A Cinema Tribute

It's that time of the year as we prepare to close the doors on the year in movies that was 2013 and what better way to look back than a kickass tribute video? Our very own Nick Bosworth has compiled a beautifully orchestrated and masterfully chopped set of footage from the past year for our annual tribute video and it's a marvel to see. It features a mash-up of genres, from action to comedy to horror to sci-fi to drama and beyond, all of which leave you with a fine appreciation for some of the best films (and film moments) from 2013. There will be many more tribute videos to flood the internet in the next few weeks, but this is the one to beat. So, kick back, hit play, and enjoy the best eight minutes of the internet for today.

Life Without Movies Is Impossible:

Published by
Paul Shirey