Categories: Movie News

Cool Videos: Check out the animatic trailer for The Elder Scrolls online from Bethesda Softworks

For those that have delved into the awesome, life-consuming RPG world of The Elder Scrolls, this trailer is something to behold.  Probably some of the best animatics I’ve ever seen for a video game to date, the trailer for Bethesda Softworks latest venture, The Elder Scrolls online, features a large scale battle within the fantasy universe that screams epic.  The online venture is currently launching its beta phase, preparing for its big launch, which will likely kill productivity for millions around the world.  I am a huge fan of the games, having logged a shameful amount of hours on both Oblivion and Skyrim (with much more to go, I’m afraid) and feel that it’s the best experience I’ve ever had with video games (the Fallout series is right up there). 

At any rate, check out the official site for more details and to sign up for the beta launch.  In the meantime, check out this super kick ass animatic trailer for the launch.  I guarantee awesomeness.


Published by
Paul Shirey