Categories: TV Reviews

Cool Videos: Check out a supercut of Darren Aronofsky’s favorite shot

Darren Aronofsky is one of the most unique and talented directors working today. From PI through his most recent film NOAH, Aronofsky has proven himself a cinematic force to be reckoned with. Like any great filmmaker, Aronofsky has some trademark shots that he uses in each movie he makes. One in particular has been compiled into an interesting supercut for our enjoyment.

Editor Jacob Swinney pulled together a compilation of shots taken from a specific vantage point from the director’s resume which, when taken together, are quite interesting. Here’s a summary of the video.


Like Wes Anderson‘s symmetrical shots, Aronofsky’s tracking shots definitely set him apart from anyone else in Hollywood. While his next big screen project is brewing, we can all rest assured we will be seeing another addition to this great supercut in the near future.

Darren Aronofsky: Blind Leading the Blind from Jacob T. Swinney on Vimeo.

Published by
Alex Maidy