Categories: JoBlo Originals

Cool Videos: A shot-for-shot remake of The Empire Strikes Back by 480 fans

Maybe it was naive of me to be surprised that there are so many fan made versions of STAR WARS that you could piece them together to make on feature length version. Of course there are! People put so much time, effort, resources, and even finances into showing off how much they love Star Wars in the way of their own fan-made movie. It’s good to know that their efforts are not ignored; these movies are officially backed by Lucasfilm.

Below is The Empire Strikes Back Uncut, a full version of THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK made by 480 different fans. You can check out Star Wars Uncut which was released in 2012 right here. I can’t imagine a lot of people actually watching the whole thing through, it can be pretty rough in areas, so here’s a trailer that gives you the general idea.

The trailer:

The Empire Strikes Back Uncut:

Published by
Graham McMorrow