Cool Horror Videos: TV spots for the 1990 premiere of Twin Peaks

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

The cult favorite television series Twin Peaks made its ABC debut on April 8, 1990, and to celebrate the show's thirtieth anniversary we have assembled a collection of previews that aired to promote the premiere. Those retro TV spots can be seen in the video embedded above.

Created by David Lynch and Mark Frost, Twin Peaks begins when 

the body of a young girl washes up on a beach near the small Washington state town of Twin Peaks. FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper is called in to investigate her strange demise only to uncover a web of mystery that ultimately leads him deep into the heart of the surrounding woodland and his very own soul. – Douglas Baptie, IMDb

Although Twin Peaks is now thirty years old, I had not watched the show until about six months ago. Watching the first season and a half, I fully understood why the show is so popular… and then in the second half of season 2, I understood why viewership dropped off so much that ABC cancelled the show. But it was quite a ride.

Those first two seasons can be purchased for viewing through Amazon Prime. Season 1 is HERE, and Season 2 is at THIS LINK.

If you want to have the full Twin Peaks experience, the limited edition Twin Peaks: From Z to A Blu-ray box set also includes the prequel film FIRE WALK WITH ME and the revival season that aired on Showtime in 2017. That box set can be purchased HERE.

Source: Arrow in the Head

About the Author

Cody is a news editor and film critic, focused on the horror arm of, and writes scripts for videos that are released through the JoBlo Originals and JoBlo Horror Originals YouTube channels. In his spare time, he's a globe-trotting digital nomad, runs a personal blog called Life Between Frames, and writes novels and screenplays.