Years before creating the fantastical world of JURASSIC PARK, novelist Michael Crichton wrote and directed the 1973 science fiction classic WESTWORLD which featured western superstar Yul Brynner as a gunslinging android in a futuristic theme park where the lifelike robots malfunction and create havoc and terror for the unsuspecting vacationers. It's a film that many of us here at AITH hold in high regard, especially our very own The Arrow who described it as "hot as a whorehouse on nickel night!" in his review HERE.
Today we have a Cool Horror Video on "The Making of Westworld" for ya to check out below that gives you some pretty cool insight into the behind-the-scenes goings-on from the set during the making of this sci-fi classic. Strap on your six-shooters and get ready for the vacation of a lifetime at WESTWORLD.