Categories: Horror Movie News

Cool Horror Videos: Haddonfield Today: See where 1978’s Halloween was made

There have been a lot of iconic horror locations in our beloved genre. Places like the Bates Motel in PSYCHO, the infamous AMITYVILLE house, the steps from THE EXORCIST, and many other locations come to mind when you think of the locations utilized in some of your favorite horror films. Now a new Cool Horror Video has popped up showcasing the then-and-now locations used in the production of John Carpenter's classic HALLOWEEN, giving us a look at Haddonfield today.

HALLOWEEN was filmed in 20 days in the spring of 1978 with locations in South Pasadena, California and the cemetery at Sierra Madre, California standing in for the fictional Haddonfield, Illinois. It's really cool to see these locations and how little (or how much) they've changed since the filming of that seminal classic. Check it out!

Published by
Kevin Woods