Categories: Horror Movie News

Cool Horror Videos: Freddy Krueger’s Hotline Commercials from the 80s

Hey, remember the 80s? Specifically, do you remember 80s television? For the 90s kids out there, I pity you: 80s commercials were the best. One late night standard from the 80s were “hotline” commercials, which were all about suckering sleep-deprived chumps – as well as foolish teens – into paying a ridiculous amount of money to dial into a party line or to hear some pre-recorded message from their favorite celebrity. Or movie character!

Case in point: here are a few commercials from the late 80s/early 90s touting Freddy Krueger’s hotline. Yes, you could call Freddy ($2 for the first minute) and have him tell you a “deadtime” story. Quaint, isn’t it?

Now fess up: Which of you 80s babies actually dialed in?

Published by
Eric Walkuski