Categories: Horror Movie News

Cool Horror Gear: Monkey brain bowl from Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom

One of the more memorably gruesome moments in Steven Spielberg’s rather gruesome INDIANA JONES AND THE TEMPLE OF DOOM (seriously, give it a re-watch and tell me there isn’t some gnarly shit in that flick) is the dinner table scene, where Indy and friends are witness to the gag-worthy eating habits of their hosts. Snakes, beetles and eyeballs are consumed with vigor, but the capper is dessert: Chilled monkey brains, served right out of the monkey skulls. Yum!

As a kid it might have made you grimace, but today that sequence is money – and if you’ve always wanted to replicate it, now you can! is now selling monkey brains bowls at almost $60 a pop. Yes it’s expensive, but if you’ve enslaved enough children to work in your hellish underground temple, you can probably afford it with no problem.

Brains not included.

Published by
Eric Walkuski