Comix-to-Flix #40

COMIX-TO-FLIX is a column featuring reviews of comic book graphic novels that have been optioned to be made into motion pictures. Seeing as the universe of comic books and movies is becoming more and more connected, we figured that we may as well jump right into them as well, especially since we love both mediums to begin with. We hope that you enjoy this new addition to the site and be sure to email us with your thoughts.

Fables: Legends in Exile
By Bill Willingham



The Eisner Award winning “Fables” tells the story of an investigation into the murder/disappearance of Snow White’s sister, Rose Red. Throughout the investigation we are introduced to many other “fabled” characters such as the Big Bad Wolf, Beauty and the Beast and Prince Charming.

“This isn’t about Prince Charming. It’s about your sister, Rose Red” – Bigby

Film Status:

What a fun film this would be, it truly has everything – action/violence, romance, creepy characters and beautiful women. Anyway, at this time there isn’t really much to report. There has been some rumored interest expressed by Henson Pictures and a possibility of DC editor Jeannette Kahn producing.


The real charm of “Fables” is Willingham’s spin on such storybook characters as the Big Bad Wolf, Jack (of beanstock fame), Three Little Pigs and many others. These characters have been pushed out of their “Fable Realm” by an enemy known only as “The Adversary.” Now that they exist in our realm (more specifically New York City) they police themselves and are required to conceal their identities from us.

“There are only a handful of us working in the underground Fable government.” – Snow White

The story in “Fables: Legends in Exile” begins when Jack (the giant killer) finds Rose Red’s (Snow White’s “party girl” sister) apartment splattered with blood and in complete disarray. Bigby (the big bad wolf, now in human form) has straightened out his evil ways and is now a detective. Working with Snow White, who is the second most powerful person in Fabletown, next to King Cole, Bigby must find the truth behind Rose Red’s disappearance.

I’m not going to tell you that I was absolutely blown away by this story, but it was interesting. It is a pretty standard murder-mystery with a predictable outcome but getting there is more than half the fun. And I really think that this first story arc is more about establishing the rich characters and background of “Fables” so that further books can get on to bigger and better things. Because of this, Willingham leaves you wanting much, much more in a very good way.

I also feel it is important to mention that Willingham somehow stays true to the classic stories we grew up with. This really is a grown up book (in fact there is an allusion to Snow White’s relationship with the dwarfs) but somehow the story seems plausible as a possible result of the collision of the Fables Realm and ours.

Lan Medina and Steve Leialoha handle the art for “Fables” and do a fairly impressive job. Call me old fashioned, but I still love the “standard” style of comic book art that gets to the point and tells the story. Most artwork today, although beautiful to look at, really takes away from the story. Medina and Leialoha do a superb job of supporting the story which is a pretty much a standard for any DC Vertigo book.


First off this is a good story and good artwork so it really doesn’t need much else. As well, I didn’t have to take out a small loan to cover the cost. That said, we are treated to a short story by Bill Willingham at the end of the book called “A Wolf In the Fold”.


Once again DC Vertigo stays away from the typical comic stories and presents us with a book that is completely original, fun and intelligent. The reader will enjoy the rich, unique world created by Willingham and the clean line work of Lan Medina and Steve Leialoha.

“…after what I heard about her tawdry little adventures with those seven dwarves.”- Beauty



Source:'s Cool Columns

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