Comic Book Movie Minute – Justice League, Guardians Vol. 2, & Black Panther

Last Updated on August 2, 2021

Greetings to all you marvelous super people out there in the extended universe! Welcome to The Comic Book Movie Minute! In this weekly video series, we round up all the important comic book movie related news from the previous week to get you caught up on everything happening in the world of movies based on comic books through March 27th, 2017. We finally got to see a new JUSTICE LEAGUE trailer this week and the fanboys everywhere cheered with joy as Bruce Wayne told of his super powers… money. Something we have all been saying for a while now. THE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 also had a busy week when they dropped new posters, a new TV spot and a new trailer too. Everyone is happy to see that raccoon and that little tree fight bad guys in space again. We also got word that badass actors Kurt Russell and Sylvester Stallone will be sticking around the MCU for a little while after their appearances in VOL. 2. The super nerds in South Korea got a special prize when BLACK PANTHER drove down their streets while filming an exciting action sequence. That and much more all happened this week in the world of Hollywood and super people.  Tune in right here, every Monday to discover all the super awesomeness that is The Comic Book Movie Minute. Check out the video below!


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