Categories: Movie News

Colin Firth set to play Uncle Jack in Matthew Vaughn’s The Secret Service

The Secret ServiceThe Secret Service

One comic I haven’t had a chance to read is Mark Millar‘s The Secret Service. I’ve heard the plot is pretty bizarre and over-the-top. How over-the-top? The opening chapter involves Mark Hamill (yes, THE Mark Hamill) being kidnapped by international spies. ‘Nuff said. Hopefully I’ll have time to read the comics soon. Or at least before the movie comes out.

Last month it was reported that production will begin in August on THE SECRET SERVICE with Matthew Vaughn directing and now Latino-Review has learned that Colin Firth has agreed to star in the adaptation as Uncle Jack. A script has been completed for the film and apparently it doesn’t stray too far from the comics.

“This is James Bond meets My Fair Lady,” is how Mark Millar has described the comic but here’s a more detailed description from Amazon:

From the writer of Kick-Ass and the artist of Watchmen comes a collaboration decades in the making! The world’s greatest secret agent is on the most exciting case of his career. But will the end of the world as know it take a back seat to training his street-punk nephew to be the next James Bond? meanwhile, what’s the secret link between a series of kidnapped sci-fi stars, the murder of an entire town, and a dark secret from inside Mount Everest? Under Uncle Jack’s supervision, Gary’s spy skills and confidence blossom–but when the duo learn what’s behind the celebrity kidnappings, the knowledge comes at a price. The conspiracy begins to unravel, but who can be trusted when so many prominent figures seem to be involved? It’s a must-be-seen-to-be-believed action spectacle!

Uncle Jack and Colin FirthUncle Jack and Colin Firth

The next big piece of casting will obviously be that of Gary, who is the lead in the comic. Although I haven’t read the series I do love me some Colin Firth and I’m excited to see him in a different type of film. Not that I didn’t enjoy THE KING’S SPEECH or TINKER TAILOR SOLDIER SPY, but because of how excellent he was in them I can’t wait to see what he brings to a comic book movie.

THE SECRET SERVICE is currently in pre-production and is set to be released on November 14th, 2014.

Published by
Jesse Giroux