C’mon Hollywood #193

… Kate Hudson needs a new agent!
by Sturdy

It’s a little brash of me, or anyone for that matter, to try to defend Kate Hudson. It’s excusable for an actor or actress to do a few bad movies, or to have a string of bad roles over a couple of years. But I’ve never seen an actress give such an amazing performance and then take a steep nose dive on every single role since then. I can’t accept that Kate Hudson is as bad of an actress as her last several roles would lead me to believe. There was too much promise in ALMOST FAMOUS. So Ms. Hudson needs to fire her agent, or at the very least, read her scripts before she agrees to do another movie.

When I first saw Kate Hudson as Penny Lane, I was in love. She embodied that character so effortlessly and with such depth that audiences couldn’t help but fall in love with her. The film relied so heavily on whether or not you liked her character and she took that responsibility with an eagerness that’s typically only reserved for A-list talent. It’s not surprising that after that role, she was vaulted to the top of the Hollywood totem pole and had her pick of leading lady roles. So the question remains; what the hell happened to her?

Great movie, amazing performance…what happened?

What happened was one shitty movie after another. When I say “shitty”, I don’t mean “below average”, I mean unwatchable. Her name is now synonymous with “shitty movie”. When I see her name in front of the credits, I know that the movie will be unbearable. She’s done so many bad movies that audiences that should love her are now turning against her. Even the women in my life that live for romantic comedies and “chick-flicks” won’t go see her movies. I thought for sure I’d be dragged to go see BRIDE WARS, but when I offered it up, I was told “no, it has Kate Hudson in it, so I know it will be bad”. Ouch.

Not a good sign when a wedding movie can’t attract a female audience.

So the question is; was ALMOST FAMOUS a flash in the pan, or is there something glaringly wrong with her choice in movies? Personally, I still like seeing her on the big screen, even if I don’t like her movies. I have a hard time believing that she’s lost everything she showed in ALMOST FAMOUS. I think her problem is that she’s taking easy roles because her agent, or someone in her life, is advising her to take the easy payday rather than the quality roles. To fix this, she needs to avoid romantic comedies for at least five years. She’s going to have to accept that she’s milked that genre for all its worth and people aren’t going to follow her there anymore.

Not sure what she was thinking here…

Next, she needs to get back with Cameron Crowe. When action stars are in need of another hit, they go back and revive a character. She can’t do that, but the closest Hudson can do is go back and work with the one director that could bring out the best in her. She also needs to realize she’s not funny. She’s not a comedian and she doesn’t even do a good job of reciting funny lines.

Or here…

I can’t think of another actor or actress that has shown more promise in a single role and then failed to live up to it to the extent Kate Hudson has. It pains me to see someone I liked so much in ALMOST FAMOUS destroy every role she touches. So c’mon Kate Hudson; fire your agent and find some roles that better suit you.

Source: Joblo.com

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