Categories: Movie News

Christopher McQuarrie announces start of Mission: Impossible 6 filming

Even after 20 years of proving Tom Cruise is the ultimate badass, the MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE franchise is still going strong, with the last two outings – GHOST PROTOCOL and ROGUE NATION – standing as some of the best-reviewed action films of all time and making mucho dinero. Naturally we ain’t close to being done yet, and IMPOSSIBLE 6 director Christopher McQuarrie has just announced that production has begun on the latest outing for the great Ethan Hunt (Cruise).

We got word not too long ago that Cruise has been preparing for a whole year for a new action sequence that will blow all of our collective socks off, all at the same time. The sequence ends with Cruise coming out with a brand new set of socks for all of us, but those will not be blown off because the actor knitted them himself and they're too perfect to do that sort of thing. Yeah, it’s that kind of action sequence.

You can check out some set pics already right here that show Cruise and returning baddie Sean Harris!

These last two IMPOSSIBLE films have been exquisite action movies and proved the series still has plenty more to give after all these years. Hopefully the sixth film can do the same, and news of that stunt was not only awesome, but proof they’re still looking for ways to wow us. Cruise is well into his 50s now so the fact he's doing such business is miraculous, especially when you consider he's going to fight a mummy this year. Amusement parks must bore this man to death.

MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 6 is aiming for a July 27, 2018 release and THE MUMMY arrives June 9.

Published by
Matt Rooney