As the Marvel Cinematic Universe enters its second decade, a few of the actors who have been with the franchise since its beginnings have begun to depart, including Robert Downey Jr. (Iron Man) and Chris Evans (Captain America), but one of the founding members of the Avengers announced his plans to stick around for the foreseeable future.
While speaking with Elle Man (translated from Polish), Chris Hemsworth was asked whether he had given any thought to stepping down as Thor following THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER.
Are you crazy?! I’m not going into any retirement period (laughs). Thor is way too young for that. I’m only 1500 years old! It is definitely not a film that I say goodbye to this brand. At least I hope so.
THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER will be the fourth installment of the THOR series, the first for any hero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and if Chris Hemsworth's enthusiasm for the role is any indication, it won't be his last. Speaking of LOVE AND THUNDER, Hemworth also shared his excitement for the script by director Taika Waititi. "After reading the script, I can say that I am very excited," said Hemsworth. "For sure there will be a lot of love and a lot of lightning in this production (laughs). I’m glad that after all that happened in Avengers: Endgame, I’m still part of the Marvel Universe and we can continue the story of Thor. Of course, I can’t tell you anything about the plot, but to satisfy your curiosity, I’ll say that I had a lot more fun reading the script than on Thor Ragnarok, and that proves something, because [that] movie was brilliant."
In addition to Chris Hemsworth, THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER will also feature the return of Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie and Natalie Portman as Jane Foster, who will be taking on the mantle of the Mighty Thor this time around. Christian Bale is also onboard to play the villain of the film, who hasn't yet been revealed. THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER is currently slated to hit theaters on February 11, 2022.