Categories: Movie News

Celebrate Roger Deakins’ 64th birthday with this in depth half hour conversation about film

FARGO, TRUE GRIT, THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION, A BEAUTIFUL MIND, SKYFALL. What do these movies have in common? The brilliance of cinematographer Roger Deakins. Today is Mr. Deakins’ 64th birthday, so to celebrate his brilliance and influence on our favorite movies, The Film Stage has shared an in depth conversations Deakins had back in 2012 regarding SKYFALL.

Now, it needs to be said that Roger Deakins has been robbed of winning a well-deserved Academy Award ten times. 10. After working with The Coens, Edward Zwick, Sam Mendes, M. Night Shyamalan, Andrew Stanton, Gore Verbinski, and many others, Deakins has still not been properly recognized for his visual prowess. Hopefully that turns around in the near future.

In the meantime, from everyone at, Happy Birthday Roger Deakins!

Published by
Alex Maidy