Categories: Movie Trailers

Cats star Rebel Wilson “loved the reaction” to the freaky trailer

The week of Comic-Con saw the new trailer for the horror epic IT: CHAPTER 2 drop, but even the nightmares within seemed liked fairy tales compared to the surreal terror of the CATS trailer that dropped not long after. Featuring humans with CGI cat bodies (CGI cats with human faces??) the trailer quickly trended on social media for all the wrong reasons, with people freaking out about what was playing before them. But one person who is loving both the trailer and people’s reaction to it is one of the movie’s stars, Rebel Wilson, who said it’s all about making people more interested to see the full movie.


Wilson was speaking with Cosmopolitan recently when they asked her about the reaction to the trailer, where she then hinted that audiences should just be ready for the much bigger film that’s waiting for us (*gulp*).

I loved the reaction. I think it was a bit polarizing and people will be super curious to see the finished product. What you got in that trailer was just some small samples of it, but it’s going to be such a big movie. And the cast is obviously incredible.


“When the trailer came out, the response was pretty massive. There’s some people who were like “Oh my god” because it is brand-new technology that’s CGI,” she said. “I think people get confused because it’s essentially a dance movie in a lot of ways. So it really is all our own bodies. And yes, they’re covered in fur. I think some people found it a bit creepy ’cause we’re people but we look a bit like cats dancing around.”

Indeed, people were confused by the trailer…and angered and scared and unsettled and then confused again by the prevalence of cat boobs. Wilson was not all that surprised though, saying it “looked like how I thought it would look.” The other CGI human-cats include Jennifer Hudson, Taylor Swift, Jason Derulo, Judi Dench, Ian McKellen, James Corden, Francesca Hayward, and Idris Elba, and together, their appearances made for a trailer so haunting that Jordan Peele himself endorsed a remix of it to a music track from his hit horror movie, US.

CATS is in theaters not on Halloween, but on December 20.

Published by
Matt Rooney