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Cast This: Ahsoka Tano

MAJOR SPOILERS for Star Wars: Rebels. When she was first introduced a decade ago in STAR WARS: THE CLONE WARS, critics weren't kind to the character of Ahsoka Tano, and rightly so; the young Padawan apprentice of Anakin Skywalker (who she referred to as "skyguy") came across as annoying and it was assumed that she was doomed to die by the end of The Clone Stars TV series as she wasn't in REVENGE OF THE SITH. However, over the course of the show, Ahsoka grew more capable, independent, and fully came into her own as a truly compelling character in the STAR WARS franchise.

Towards the end of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Ahsoka Tano became frustrated with the Jedi Council and chose to leave the Jedi Order behind, thereby ensuring her survival from the Jedi Purge which was quickly approaching. Ahsoka would later resurface in Star Wars: Rebels as a secretive Rebel agent who operated under the code-name "Fulcrum" and provided the crew of the Ghost with both intelligence and supplies. After revealing herself, Ahsoka would later come into contact with Darth Vader after realizing that he was her former master, and the two dueled inside a Sith temple on Malachor. At the time, Ahsoka's fate was left ambiguous, but it was later revealed that Ezra Bridger had plucked her out of time thanks to his discovery of a mystical plane which allowed travel through time and space. That's certainly something.

At this time, there are no plans for Ahsoka Tano to make the leap to live-action, but the series finale of Star Wars: Rebels did offer up a tantalizing clue as to the direction Disney/Lucasfilm plans on taking her. The epilogue of Rebels took place after the Battle of Endor, and who should show up but Ahsoka Tano herself as she joined Sabine Wren in her quest to find Ezra Bridger. Not bad for a character who we initially didn't believe would survive the events of the Clone Wars, and placing her in a post-RETURN OF THE JEDI world opens up decades of story-telling possibilities.

Ashley Eckstein has voiced Ahsoka Tano on Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars: Rebels, and Star Wars: Forces of Destiny, not to mention a handful of Star Wars video-games, and there are certainly fans out there who could see her portraying Ahsoka in live-action as well, but for our purposes, let's open it up to other possibilities. Like I said, there are no plans for Ahsoka to join the live-action film franchise, but as Disney is looking at keeping the series truckin' until long after we've all gone the way of Obi-Wan Kenobi, I'm not about to rule anything out. As for who could play Ahsoka Tano, well, I'll throw out a few suggestions to help get you started. When fans began campaigning for Rosario Dawson (The Defenders) to take on the role of Ahsoka, the actress made it very clear that she's absolutely on-board, and frankly, so am I. Two other possibilities who have already taken on popular genre roles as well as proved their ability to kick some ass are Nathalie Emmanuel (Game of Thrones) and Tessa Thompson (THOR: RAGNAROK).

Remember, you're free to suggest anyone in the comments, so let your inner casting director run wild!

Previously on Cast This, you were asked to fill the role of Sara Pezzini, an NYPD homicide detective whose life changed when she came into contact with the powerful, ancient weapon known as the Witchblade, which provided her with a wide variety of superhuman abilities. It's certainly a tough role to cast, but as usual, you came through with several great suggestions such as Lili Reinhart (Riverdale), Eva González (Miss Spain 2003), and Jessica Biel (The Sinner).

Published by
Kevin Fraser