Carmody’s Silent Talk

Last Updated on July 28, 2021

Carmody’s Silent Talk

Producer Don Carmody has dropped the dime on the storyline for the upcoming adaptation of the videogame SILENT HILL. Here’s the full skinny from his website, but be forewarned – this contains spoilers:

A woman desperate to save her dying child finds herself trapped in an alternate reality as she searches for her daughter in a dangerous world of demons.
Rose cannot accept the knowledge that her daughter Sharon is dying of a fatal disease. Over the protests of her husband, she flees with her child, intending to take the girl to a faith healer. On the way, she ends up driving through a portal in reality, which takes her to the eerie and deserted town of Silent Hill.

Sharon disappears in Silent Hill, and Rose follows what she thinks is her daughter’s silhouette all over town. It’s soon clear the town is not like any place she’s ever been. It’s inhabited by a variety of creatures and a living darkness that descends and literally transforms everything it touches. The human inhabitants—the ones who are left—are trapped and fighting a losing battle against the Darkness.
Joined by a cop named Cybil, who has been sent to bring her and Sharon back, Rose searches for her little girl while learning the history of Silent Hill and that Sharon is just a pawn in a larger game.

To save her daughter, Sharon makes a deal with a demon in the form of a little girl, and allows the forces of darkness to take the town and destroy those who tried to destroy the demon. In the end, she saves her daughter but at a high price.

Sounds decent. Of course the key element to the success of this flick will be capturing the terrifying, moody atmosphere of the game which specialized in constant low level dread interrupted by moments of man I’m gonna have to change these pants. Fortunately with director Christophe Gans (BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF) on board, we should get that creepy vibe in spades.

Now they just need to cast Naomi Watts as the lead.


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