Categories: Movie News

Burn After looking

There was a while where the Coen Brothers lost some of their steam. After the successes that were FARGO and THE BIG LEBOWSKI, relative misses (by their standards) like THE LADYKILLERS and INTOLERABLE CRUELTY dimmed the spotlight on the pair. As if I need to tell you, NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN not only turned the spotlight back up, it short-circuted it. So naturally, the hype and anticipation is sky-high for their next film, called BURN AFTER READING. It was recently announced that READING will open the Venice Film Festival, and now has slapped up some pictures from the film, which boasts one of the better casts I’ve ever seen. Brad Pitt, George Clooney, John Malkovich, Tilda Swinton, Frances McDormand. Click Bradley to see the pics and read a synopsis of the film. BURN hits theatres September 12th.

Published by
Ben Barna