Categories: Movie News

Bruno release date

Sacha Baron’s Cohen’s faux documentary featuring one of his three (in)famous creations, a flamboyantly gay Austrian fashion journalist named Bruno, who may still be ambushing unsuspecting people across America with his probing questions, has finally gotten a release date. Universal will release the spine tinglingly uncomfortable but undoubtedly extremely hilarious action on May 15th of next year. Who knows if this one, named BRUNO for short or BRUNO: DELICIOUS JOURNEYS THROUGH AMERICA FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING HETEROSEXUAL MALES VISIBLY UNCOMFORTABLE IN THE PRESENCE OF A GAY FOREIGNER IN A MESH T-SHIRT for long [Ed. note: NOT the actual title…], will be as funny as Cohen’s journey as Middle Eastern reporter Borat but chances are, it probably will be.

Published by
Omar Aviles