Categories: Movie News

Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s Stephanie Beatriz “would die” to play She-Hulk

Ever since the rumor about Ronda Rousey being considered for the role of Jennifer Walters for Disney's upcoming SHE-HULK series reared its ugly head, I've been waiting for someone, anyone worthy of representing the character to come along and voice their interest in playing the part.

Thankfully, BROOKLYN NINE-NINE star Stephanie Beatriz recently expressed her enthusiasm to suit up as the "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry" lawyer and superhero. While speaking with Entertainment Tonight, Beatriz excitedly told the outlet "I would die to play that role!" She then added,  "That is so flattering. That is one of the best characters in that universe."

Famously known for playing the tough-as-nails Detective Rosa Diaz for NBC's BROOKLYN NINE-NINE, Beatriz is a well-established fan of Marvel comics and has even suited up as America Chavez for a 2017 Halloween celebration.

"I definitely have upped my workouts since reading some of those things," she confessed. "But also, [I think it would] be really exciting for fans to see some of these characters that we kind of decided are one thing, to sort of be imagined in a different way."

Dear Marvel and Disney, I implore you to add Ms. Beatriz's name to your shortlist of potentials for the role of Jennifer Walters. Her Detective Rosa Diaz is a fan favorite character across many spectrums and she's got the screen presence to carry the Jennifer Walters character in spades across any crisis or court room drama. I'm sure that her casting would bring lots of buzz to the show, and I for one would die to see her throw down alongside some of Marvel's mightiest heroes. Think it over.

Published by
Steve Seigh