Now that JOHN WICK 2 has made the Keanu Reeves-led series a bona fide franchise by doubling the money of the original AND getting superior reception, it’s now time to pay thanks to whatever lives in the sky and controls everything down here like a kid playing with Legos. That, or we could just pay actual money on June 13, which is the official release date for the Blu-ray version of the movie! This will make things much easier. The Lego god prefers only the “unspoiled” meat of a rare orange goat, which are hard to find this time of year.
For those of you who can’t wait until June you can get the movie digitally on May 23, and for those on the fence about buying it at all let me entice you with a list of all the glorious special features that will come with it:
The Dog Wick short you can watch here, as we wrote a quick Cool Videos post on it around the time of the movie’s release. Otherwise all these features seem like they’ll provide tons of cool BTS info on how to film a perfect headshot, as well as provide the secret to Reeves’s immortality.
I have to come clean in having my doubts about WICK 2 living up to the first one. I mean how could you? It was perfect action movie badassery with Reeves leading the charge. But by god WICK 2 did it, and did so in spades. I can't wait to watch it again and again till the day I die. That's a big commitment, but I've never been so sure of anything in my life. I think WICK 2 is…*gulp*…the one.
Buy JOHN WICK 2 digitally May 23 and on Blu-ray June 13.