Categories: Movie News

Bosslogic sinks his talented fangs into Mahershala Ali as Blade in new art

While there are an innumerable amount of artists who are left feeling like they’re trying to skate uphill with regard to getting their work noticed on the internet, fan-favorite artist Bosslogic seems to have gained quite the foothold within the entertainment community by sharing his inspired renditions of famous actors posing as beloved comic book characters and then some.

In the past, Logic has delivered his take on Andy Serkis as the waddling Bat-villain, The Penguin, Brie Larson as the higher, faster, further hero, Captain Marvel, and even TWILIGHT’s Robert Pattinson as a would-be Batman. While that’s just the tip of a very large iceberg for Bosslogic, the timely creator has now set his digital toolkit on Marvel’s Blade, by imagining Mahershala Ali as the toothy Wesley Snipes Daywalker.

You can check out BossLogic’s vision of Mahershala Ali as Snipes’ Blade below:

In recent times, Snipes has been rather vocal about the idea of reprising his role as Blade for a revitalized Marvel Studios film franchise. What really drains the blood out of this prospect is that no such project has been officially announced. That being said, you have to admit that Ali would make for a fine Blade, should the studio be looking to resurrect the character without Snipes as the quip-tastic blood-sucker.

What say you about Bosslogic’s Ali as Blade? Do you think the GREEN BOOK actor would be a good fit for the mouthy vampire hunter, or would you rather see Snipes suit up for another turn as Marvel’s maniacal monster hunter? Let us know in the comments section below.

Published by
Steve Seigh