Borderlands: Kevin Hart assures that film adaptation “looks like the game”

Last Updated on July 30, 2021

So video game movies, for a long time, have gotten a (mostly deserved) bad rap for being bad, but also inaccurate. Whether it's turning the Super Mario Bros. into a cyberpunk thriller, or making Shao Kahn a wimpering loser in Mortal Kombat Annihilation, fidelity to the source material often isn't on the top of film producers' minds.

However, according to Kevin Hart in a recent interview with Collider, he claims that Eli Roth's upcoming feature film adaptation the sci-fi action-comedy game Borderlands will look "just like the games". Hart will be playing the character of Roland from the games, alongside Cate Blanchett, Jack Black, and Jamie Lee Curtis!

Here's some pertinent quotes below:

Once again, it's all about the shock factor. This is me stepping into action full speed ahead, no comedy. I'm responsible for the action…[Director Eli Roth] said, 'Kevin, if you tell me that you can show up prepared and that you want to come in and knock this out, then you're my guy.' So I went, I did some training with some Navy SEALS, I got real good with weapons, I got real good with my hand-to-hand combat. And the experience here in Budapest filming Borderlands has been unreal. Cate Blanchett, Jamie Lee Curtis, myself, Flo [Munteanu], Ariana [Greenblatt]… I mean, our cast is unreal. He truly is knocking this movie out the park. And I can say visually, it's like nothing you've ever seen. Somehow I find myself in these spaces where you get a part of these IPs that are hitting the big screen and have the potential to become so much more. … Borderlands, nobody knows what to expect, but if this thing comes and it smacks people correctly, you could be looking at Borderlands 2, Borderlands 3. It's that good.

The fanbase that follows the game is already huge and unreal, but I don't think they even have a clear understanding of how close we're coming to the game. It looks like the game. It's unbelievable, truly unbelievable."

Meanwhile, no release date as of yet, but we'll keep you posted!

So what do you guys think? Fans of the games? If so, looking forward to the film? Either way, sound off below!

Source: Collider

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