Categories: Movie News

Bilbo Baggins says good-bye on the set of The Hobbit but not before Smaug can admire his feet

Off he goes, that curious little Bilbo Baggins.

Peter Jackson posted a photo of Martin Freeman saying good-bye since it was his last night on the set. Freeman has wrapped filming his parts for the last two HOBBIT flicks. The director recently updated that he would not have anything prepared for Comic-Con due to the fact that he had to go back and do some additional shots, as well as some editing. He wanted the final product to be worthy of the fans so he decided to pour all the time into that.

This is what he said in addition to posting the pic:

“Tonight Martin Freeman finished his last shot as Bilbo Baggins. The end of an incredible two and a half years. I cannot imagine anyone else in this role – a character that Martin has nurtured and crafted with love and great skill. We have said goodbye to our elves, humans, wizards and now the hobbit. We now enter our final 2 weeks of pick-ups, and it’s wall to wall dwarves. These pick-ups have been gruelling and intense, but I’m so happy with what we’ve been shooting. These next two movies are going to be pretty great!”

Not too long after, he added another pic of “Smaug admiring Bilbo’s feet”. Yes, that’s Benedict Cumberbatch, who also stars with Freeman on SHERLOCK.

THE HOBBIT: DESOLATION OF SMAUG hits theaters this December, and THE HOBBIT: THERE AND BACK AGAIN in 2014.

Published by
Niki Stephens