Categories: Movie News

Best 2007: Trailers Part 2

Welcome back to the 100 Best Trailers of 2007. This is the 7th Annual List dating back to 2001 and my third year bringing it exclusively to If you visit the Trailers Page frequently, you should know my tastes quite well. Sit back and scan the list for your favorite trailer or movie of the year. Sometimes great trailers make great movies and other times they make you see awful movies. Don’t hesitate to strike back below if you think I must be completely nuts.

The 100 Best Trailers are listed in order from worst to first. Bear in mind that each year over 400 hundred trailers are released and not every one can fit on this list. The selection of the 100 Best is not compiled by the site as a whole; nor is it based on reader feedback. This is not a survey, nor did anyone vote. Just one Schmo’s opinion on things.

Selection of the 100 Best depends on a multitude of criteria. Paramount to making a great trailer, previews must excel in edit, music selection, character and story development, and originality. There are standard types of trailers that movie audiences are accustomed to seeing; this list intends to encourage filmmakers and marketing firms to break those molds. Each movie is only allowed one entry on the list. The power of the movie trailer is not in the safe and secure track, but the exploration of new ways to grab the audience’s attention. Trailers that were released last year (like the trailer for 300 or the teaser for HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX) are not qualified for this list.

This list will consist of two parts 100-41 and 40-1. I will feature the Worst Trailer of the year on my personal MYJOBLO Profile. Previous Best of the Years Winners include: 300, JARHEAD, GARDEN STATE, THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE, FEMME FATALE, and 40 DAYS, 40 NIGHTS.


TOP 20

These trailers are the best the year had to offer. Some missed out on the Top 10 just because there wasn’t enough room and something had to slip. THERE WILL BE BLOOD, SUPERBAD, JUMPER, and WALL-E all had exceptional trailers that just missed the cut. Perhaps they’re in your top 20. It is really just a matter of taste.


TOP 10











Okay folks, that is the list for this year. Since I’m sure a lot of you disagree, gladly ream me a new one with a Strike Back.
Published by
Alex Keen