Michael Bay has unquestionably refined the art of blowing shit up to near perfection. And it seems the years spent honing the shit-destroying craft have all been leading up to an upcoming film where he’ll be required to blow shit up on an unparalleled scale. If he’s to even survive this experience, he’ll have to draw upon every single facet of his training in blowing shit way the f*ck up. According to the TMZ, he’s looking to produce and possibly direct an adaptation of Whitley Strieber’s upcoming novel, “2012: The War for Souls”. Many sources, including the Mayans, Nostradamus, and Roman Catholic Saint Malachy, believe 2012 is a turning point in humanity where the world ends in some extremely destructive way and if the Mayans are to be believed, we enter a new state of consciousness. This isn’t some pansy-ass DAY AFTER TOMORROW type blowing shit up, this is epic consciousness-altering, soul-obliterating shit destruction. And Bay is quite possibly the only director who can pull it off.