Last Updated on September 9, 2022

For years, Awesome Art We’ve Found Around The Net has been about two things only – awesome art and the artists that create it. With that in mind, we thought why not take the first week of the month to showcase these awesome artists even more? Welcome to “Awesome Artist We’ve Found Around The Net.” In this column, we are focusing on one artist and the awesome art that they create, whether they be amateur, up and coming, or well established. The goal is to uncover these artists so even more people become familiar with them. We ask these artists a few questions to see their origins, influences, and more. If you are an awesome artist or know someone that should be featured, feel free to contact me at any time at month we are very pleased to bring you the awesome art of

Doaly is a UK-based graphic designer and digital illustrator with a passion for storytelling. His work is characterized by his bold conceptual approach to illustration and his ability to adapt his style to the most sympathetic to the subject matter.
Over the years he has created artwork for a wide range of clients including The BBC, Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Marvel Comics, Lucasfilm, Warner Bros, 20th Century Fox, Sony Pictures, Wired, Sony Playstation, Image Comics, and more.
He is also active on the pop culture gallery scene and has created official artwork for properties including Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, Superman, The Flash, South Park, Rick and Morty, and Star Wars.
In recent years he has migrated his skills to comic book covers and has worked for Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Image Comics, and independents.
JOBLO: What got you started as an artist?
DOALY: I always loved to draw as a kid, but it was something I hadn’t really kept up with after high school, after university and progressing in my career as a web designer I wanted to do something creative that was just for me, scratch that creative itch.
I then started on the journey of learning to draw again, there were a lot of cobwebs to dust off, but I was enjoying the process and having fun.
During the process the designer in me wanted to set a brief, I had always loved film and cinema from my childhood, and my parent’s shop used to also rent films so my bedroom walls were covered in movie posters.
So I decided to combine my two loves of art and film and set myself the brief to design some alternative movie posters. This was a lot of fun and when sharing them online the handful of likes and comments I got were enough to keep me going on this path. over the next couple of years I kept at it, reacting to the latest films coming out with new art and returning to some personal favorites, my work was being picked up by design and movie blogs, and one day I received an email from a movie studio to design my first official movie poster. From there it really just snowballed to the point where I quit my day job in web design, that was about 7 years ago and it’s the best decision I’ve made.
Who were some of your favorite artists growing up?
I was fortunate enough to study art history during college so I got to see and study a varied number of artists. I fell in love with the work of Dali, Lichtenstein, Warhol, and Seurat. From a film art perspective, my walls as a kid were always covered with the work of Drew Struzan and John Alvin.
Who do you really dig these days, follow on Instagram?
There are so many artists out there that inspire me and I think i go through phases of who’s at the top of my inspiration list at any one point, for sure Id say the work of Greg Ruth, Jason Edmiston, Russell Dauterman, Mike del Mundo to name a few.
What advice would you have for budding artists today?
I would say draw as much as you can and don’t worry so much about making it perfect, the more often you draw the better you get and there is always the next drawing. Also, I’d say to find your voice in your art, this can be the style in which you draw, or more importantly, for me, it’s what I draw and how I interpret a story, the aim should always be to tell a narrative in your work.
What should we be looking out for from you in the future?
It’s always hard to talk about what I’m currently working on due to NDAs but I can say more work for Marvel and video games, definitely more comic covers, and some scary stuff for next year to keep an eye out for. The Shop is coming back online in September with a refresh of new prints so keep an eye on my social for updates
Being a fansite, we have to ask you… What are some of your favorite movies/TV shows of all time?
The list is ever-growing but some favorites for sure would be Superman the Movie, Red Dwarf, Breaking Bad, Snake in the Eagles Shadow, Drunken Master, Spiderman: No Way Home, The Shawshank Redemption, Batman Begins, The Wire, and My Cousin Vinny, to name a few
Scroll down to check out some of our favorite art pieces from Doaly as we continue to follow his journey across his Website and social media hubs: Instagram / Twitter / Facebook / YouTube / TikTok / Shop / Sideshow

The Big Lebowski

Black Panther

Bohemian Rhapsody


Creed II


Doom Patrol

Enter The Dragon

Ghost Rider


Iron Man



The Lord of the Rings

The Mandalorian

Ms. Marvel

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Shaun of the Dead

Sonic The Hedgehog

Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

The Thing

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