Categories: Movie News

AvP2 goes Con

I’m going to go ahead and get my opinion out there earlier than I usually would in an article: I thought ALIEN VS. PREDATOR sucked harder than Paris Hilton in a night vision movie shoot. It was a horrible, horrible film and everyone associated with the film should feel ashamed of themselves for leaving a black mark on both franchises. So as you can see, I was a bit disappointed with ALIEN VS. PREDATOR, and hardly think seeing another film of the same premise would be worth my time, but hey, the Hollywood big shots thought otherwise.

So here is my lead, buried in the second paragraph of this article: if you are going to the awesome geek gang-bang deluxe known as Comic-Con, you will have a chance to see ALIEN VS. PREDATOR 2…or how it’s going by now, ALIEN VS. PREDATOR 2: NO PEACE ON EARTH. Get the title? It’s cuz the film comes out on Christmas…so “No Peace on Earth” – as in the typical Christmas saying “Peace on Earth”…ha…ha…oh I’m so mad.

Published by
Omar Hussain