Omar Hussain


Favorite Movies

Insomnia King

Big surprise, 1408 has done moderately well at the box office and now Hollywood is running to option off another…

New AvP2 title

For all of those who are opposed to this sequel (I used to be among them), the news of a…

TFormers clip!

As we get closer and closer to blowing our wads over , we are going to encounter a huge marketing…

New Halloween ending

I don’t know about you but when I hear that a film had to go back and shoot “additional” scenes,…

Fox Near Death

The rights to the “psychological sci-fi thriller” NEAR DEATH have been picked up by Fox Searchlight, this according to the…

More 28 fun?

The infectious franchise that is 28 DAYS LATER may have hit that point that every franchise gets to, where another…

Haig in Halloween

Yesterday our News Editor Eric Walkuski wrote about how a bunch of actors from DEVIL’S REJECTS are making their way…

Musical Jigsaw?

The dynamic duo that brings us scare after mind f*ck scare from the SAW franchise, actor Tobin Bell and director…

Jacob’s Ladder remake?

You know we’ve hit remake rock bottom when we start tampering with stuff that originally came out in the 90’s….

Bates TV?

I know that it was just yesterday that I broke the news to you of Hitchcock being remade, so I…

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