Omar Hussain


Favorite Movies

Set: Prom Night

After getting lost several times on the way there (damn those L.A. freeways!), and being infected by the highly contagious…

Viva Extinction

It only seems appropriate that the RESIDENT EVIL: EXTINCTION movie premiere will be held in Las Vegas. This is of…

New Hitman trailer

The new HD trailer for HITMAN has hit the net courtesy of IGN, and you can check out the trailer…

Porn Star killer

All of you fake-snuff addicts that live in the L.A. area are in for a treat, as the film AMATEUR…

Iron Maiden movie?

Iron Maiden is typically known for earth shattering concerts, longevity, and ridiculously loyal and sometimes annoying fans. So it may…

Wrong video!

Here’s your “that studio is full of shit” story for the day: the video down below “was discovered via anonymous…

RE:E website launched

Luckily for me, Milla Jovovich overload is a good thing, so with all this RESIDENT EVIL: EXTINCTION marketing going on…

Witchboard remake?

Who’s down for a bit of remake news? Huh? Nobody! Well too bad, I’m going to stuff this remake news…

No Tformers 2 for Bay?

Michael Bay has had some battles with other celebs (Bruce “I’m not old!” Willis) but it looks like the man…

Ladd wants Thanksgiving

I know I’m pretty sick of hearing about the fake trailers being turned into feature length movies, but if I…

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