Jonathan Frey


Big picture shows, soft surfaces, boxed lunches, my limbs, barley, hops, shiny things, bright lights, warning labels, and priapism

Favorite Movies

After Hours, Dark City, Save the Green Planet!, Chinatown, Eternal Sunshine, Wet Hot American Summer, Near Dark, Edward Scissorhands, Wayne's World, The Goonies, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Pee-wee's Big Adventure, Taxi Driver, Bringing Out the Dead, Three Kings, Pi, Little Monsters, The Wizard, Batman Begins, the classics, anything with a synth music soundtrack, Takashi Miike movies, Cronenberg, Kubrick, Coen Bros., Spike Jonze, Lynch, Wes and P.T. Anderson, John Hughes, Felini, Godard, miles more.

Alpha Dog/Rocky sites

It’s hard to believe ALPHA DOG is finally being released but, after all that delay, it ultimately snagged a date…

Silent Hill 2?

I have yet to see SILENT HILL myself (it’s currently on queue on my online rental account) but from what…

Rumor mill churns

This time of year, the well of movie news is dryer than your mom’s… backyard pool also is this time…

Transformers schtuff

With the premiere of the TRANSFORMERS trailer a few days behind us, I can see that foam around your mouth…

Silver Surfer image!

Who’s a wittle metal guy? Who’s a wittle metal guy? You are, Silver Surfer! Yes you are! Ye-whoa, okay dude,…

New Hot Fuzz pics

I’m not going to mince words here: Empire Online has bunches of pics, most of which we believe are new,…

TMNT hears more voices

The sultry cords of Mr. Patrick Stewart are no longer alone amidst the vocal talent for the upcoming CG Ninja…

Keith in Pirates 3 pic

UPDATE UPDATE: CHUD’s gone, too. UPDATE: The Studio asked Coming Soon! to remove the image, so it be gone, but,…

Grindhouse lobby cards

Harry at AICN got his hands on fourteen, count ‘em, fourteen new lobby cards for GRINDHOUSE – six coming from…

79th Oscars poster

I’m never really blown away by the posters for for the Oscar ceremonies, but the one for the 79th Annual…

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