John Law


Kilkenny and a good ball game; all things Detroit; waiting for the boxed set; The Hold Steady; Arcade Fire; Springsteen; a decent comic store; Halloween; Toronto with money to spend; The Beatles; Rolling Stone magazine; Niagara Falls; not shitting myself in a movie theatre

Favorite Movies

The Godfather, Citizen Kane, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Goodfellas, The Empire Strikes Back, All About Eve, Blue Velvet, Jaws, Annie Hall, Alien, Aliens, Seven, L.A. Confidential, The Exorcist, Superman, Raging Bull, Back to the Future, Casablanca, Glengarry Glen Ross

JoBlo at Fan Expo!

I’ve somehow managed to avoid fan conventions my whole life. Movies, comics, sports, porn … haven’t been to one. So…